
RTS has been a key player offering embedded design services to Aerospace, defence and homeland security services in India and abroad. Our embedded design services include hardware design ranges from small-footprint, power-optimized solutions to high-end, rugged systems built around various embedded processors and DSPs. Read more

RTS has been an expert in reverse engineering the boards that include programmed IC’s, custom parts, and obsolete parts. We can take your sample, including components, and completely reverse engineer it. We create all the data you need to make duplicates. Read more

RTS has been providing customised PCB & Analysis services for high technology electronic applications of military grade products. RTS also offers a range of PCB Layout and Analysis services that include the following services for complex multi-processor and multi-layer boards with proven design methodologies, process and quality checks. Read more

RTS has expertise in SoC based Design, FPGA based design, High level Embedded Design, PCB Board Design and Mechanical Design. Our solutions encompass the entire product life cycle of the embedded systems development right from conceptualization, requirement capture, verification, validation, and qualification extending up to prototyping and sustenance engineering. Read more

RTS offers services for custom RF modules and integrated microwave assemblies. Leverage a strong background in RF and microwave module design, assembly and testing. RTS has the experience and capabilities to meet most custom RF and microwave assembly requirements from final test and traceability to environmental testing and qualification. Read more

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